Education is the basic need that every child deserves.
September, 2018, Ram Kala Sadan was founded for the underprivileged class who cannot afford to send their multiple kids to school. With the motive of providing primary education to the underprivelged kids, we started our journey with our eight students under a tree near a car garage at Wazirabad in Gurugram.
The organization believes in no differentiation between caste, colour, creed or religion. Presently we are actively working at Wazirabad in Gurgaon, Haryana for providing free education, food and training for vocational activities to help to get some employment for these underprivileged children.
RAM KALA SADAN TRUST is a Charitable Trust registered under Trust Act in 2015, Registered in the year 2015 in Gurgaon, Haryana. We are certified as an organization that falls under the 80G Tax Relief Certificate. This means that now you will be eligible for a Tax Exemption for every cent that you donate to us for a noble cause.

Provide free primary education for lower income group or under privileged children who cannot afford education between the age groups of 5-14.
Financial support in terms of grants, scholarships, fellowships & sponsorship for deserving students to pursue higher education,
Create vocational training centers to develop life skills to generate income opportunities.
Aid in providing food and other basic necessities to the less fortunate.